Thursday, November 1, 2012

Baby bumps, baby bumps everywhere.

Babies are taking over.
Yesterday they took over my Facebook with their tiny Halloween costumes
and today they're taking over my blog. These photos are from two lovely
sessions I had a few weeks ago at Redondo Beach Pier and Malaga Cove. 


  1. Ummm - these shots are seriously good! Well done girlio !

  2. These are great! I wish you lived in MD to do mine. We're doing my maternity shoot tomorrow. We're pushing it considering shes due any day now lol

  3. I'm rockin a pretty good food baby right now. just so you know.

    sweet photos:)


This is the part where you tell the pups how cute they are.
...but seriously, thank you so much for stopping by and for your wonderful comment! I read them all and try to respond as often as I can. We hope you visit again soon :)