Friday, November 2, 2012

The week in rants, raves and randoms.


  • I don't think I've gone to bed before 1 AM a single night this past week. Ugh, making a biz-nas website is rough stuff.
  • The other morning I got up from my desk to get another cup of coffee and when I walked into the living room, BAM! Directly across from our balcony door was our crazy lady neighbor, sitting on their steps in her robe with her legs bent up so I had a direct crotchal visual. Yikes. 
  • Yoshi has adopted a new, extremely annoying habit of licking the carpet. I'm going to be forced to dropkick him if this doesn't cease immediately. 
  • My skin is going into full-on winter mode. Please, call me Casper. Ashy, scaly Casper. Bring on the lotion and the fake tanner!


  • It's National Novel Writing Month! The challenge is 50,000 words in 30 days. And it's perfect timing because I've just started on a brand new novel. Technically you're supposed to complete a 50k word novella during the month of November, but my story will definitely be longer and I definitely won't finish it by the end of the month. My challenge will just be breaking through the 50,000 word mark before December begins. Wish me ALL of the lucks...I'll need them. 
  • Ma sweater arrived! Ma glasses arrived! It's like Christmas came early and made me a very happy lady.
  • And speaking of Christmas...just a month and a half before we go back to Missouri for the holidays. The pups are already salivating at the thought of all the treats and belly rubs they're going to receive. 


  1. I just found your blog today and I love it! My husband and I also have two pugs, one black and one fawn. The fawn one licks everything, so I can commiserate with you on Yoshi licking your carpet. My whole house probably smells like pug saliva. Ugh :)

  2. I've always wanted to try out NaNoWriMo, but I'm kind of in the middle of a novel right now (okay, not the middle...maybe like, the first quarter), and I can't imagine working on two novels at once. Plus, I'm just a huge wimp, I guess, and I don't really feel like setting myself up to fail. Good luck though! That's awesome!

  3. I can't... I can't even talk about your neighbor <>

    But I am excited for you and NaNoWriMo! You get it girl!

  4. well some how the <> took out my caption... shudder!
    love ya lady!


This is the part where you tell the pups how cute they are.
...but seriously, thank you so much for stopping by and for your wonderful comment! I read them all and try to respond as often as I can. We hope you visit again soon :)