...here are three amazing ladies you need to meet!
Birdie is the sweetest girl with the coolest nickname,
Lauren is witty and pretty and her engagement photos will soon grace my new photog website
and Jessica is one stylish lady with a pug I secretly plan on stealing.
Go visit them...because, let's be real, you're probably tired of listening to me at this point :)
Meet Jessica from Here&Now.
My blog is...
Hi, I'm Jessica (and that little cutie up there is Doug the Pug)...
you can find us over on Here&Now.
Hi, I'm Jessica (and that little cutie up there is Doug the Pug)...
you can find us over on Here&Now.
Three years ago, I entered grad school in Nashville, TN... and struggled a little to find my style voice... while I wasn't an undergrad college student anymore (hoodies & flip-flops everyday was no longer acceptable), I wasn't a professional "grown-up" yet either
(not forced to follow office appropriate guidelines)
So I started dressing for me, and haven't looked back since... chronicling my personal style growth over the past year (travels, obligate cute pug pictures, shopping budgets, attempts at being a domestic goddess, and things I've learned about my style/closet along the way included)
What is your absolute favorite fall food?
Absolute favorite Fall food? Can I claim all of Thanksgiving?! I love it all too much to pick just one favorite, although recently, butternut squash has found a special place in my heart!
What is the last thing you do before you fall asleep at night?
The last thing I do before falling asleep each night is writing a blessing/memory
from that day in my sentence a day journal
from that day in my sentence a day journal
The best of your blog:
Defining my style is a day-by-day journey, and I had such fun exploring the gems in my wardrobe during my Spring 2012 30X30 Challenge. Posting my round-up of 30 completed outfits using only 30 items of clothes (including shoes... I KNOW!)
was quite the accomplishment... check it out { here }.
I also might be a glutton for punishment, because I am going to start another
30X30 challenge November 1st... maybe you'll join me!?
was quite the accomplishment... check it out { here }.
I also might be a glutton for punishment, because I am going to start another
30X30 challenge November 1st... maybe you'll join me!?
My blog is...
Hello, lovelies!
My name is Brittany, but I commonly go by Birdie, and I blog over at Birdie in Paris! The name for this blog comes from my recent study abroad for BYU in Paris this past spring that I'm still not ready to let go! I think people are beautiful and wonderful, and in each blog post I try to express my deep love and appreciation for all the people I meet, for my faith, and for the beauty of life! My blog is about a lot more than just Paris, but here is a collection (you could call it a photo dump) of some of my absolute FAVORITE sights around the city.
What is your absolute favorite fall food?
Regular rice krispie treats-but add pumpkin spice! I could honestly eat an entire pan of these. When my roommate makes them...it makes for a dangerous, wonderful, calorie-laden evening.
What is your favorite novel of all time?
Oh gosh, that's such a hard one-I'm such a reader! I would have to say it's neck and neck
between the deep profound truths you can find in any of C.S. Lewis' books
(particularly The Screwtape Letters and Mere Christianity)
or the adventure and conspiracy in The Count of Monte Cristo
(also my favorite movie!) And I would be lying if I said Harry Potter
didn't absolutely make my childhood. Because it SO did.
I hope you stop by soon!
All my love, B.
Meet Lauren from Pink on the Cheek.
My blog is...
HI! I'm Lauren from Pink on the Cheek and I am that girl above looking like she is
posing for a music album or something. Or basically trying to try her luck
at some amazing style shots of my outfit.
My lifestyle blog is geared towards California lifestyle
highlighting fitness, style, food and peeks into my life.
What is the last thing you do before you go to sleep at night?
Before I fall asleep I watch Friends on Nick at Night. (Makes me feel old that its all reruns now).
But basically I like to laugh in my sleep and Friends allows me to do that.
If your life had a theme song, what would it be?
Good question Andrea! I would say it's...
The best of your blog:
Oh and my favorite post I have done on Pink on the Cheek was when I admitted I was a bad blogger. Check it out.
Oh and come say HI to me, you will have a lot of fun at my blog, I swear.
