Oh, yes, my favorite end-of-the-week staple is coming back...
- Amazon Prime has me as spoiled as can be. Waiting a WEEK for my package to be delivered?! Good Lord, is it coming from Mars?!
- You guys, my toes are a hot mess. After Knox was born and I discovered just how many thousands of times per second I have my hands all over that little nugget, I promptly gave up on the idea of painting my fingernails ever again in the next 5 years or so. But bare toenails freak me out. And I vowed that these toes of mine would never see the outside of our home paint-free. But right now, I'm hanging on to the last chipping-away specks of big toe paint and I haven't the slightest clue when I'll find time to fix them. HELP!
- We're prepping for our very first California Christmas and I'm pretty pumped. We've been here 4 years now, but we've always traveled back to Missouri for the holidays but because we made the trip in the fall, this year we'll be staying put. Decorating our house, planning the menu for Christmas dinner and enjoying a 60 degree forecast for Christmas day? I'll take it!
- Cookie butter lattes from the Coffee Bean. I needn't say more.
I've switched over to the dark side. After being a Mac girl for 8 years, I needed a serious upgrade for my photo editing computer and my bank account just wasn't loving the idea of an iMac the same way my heart was. So, I let that Apple-hating nerd husband of mine build me the perfect editing beast of a PC for a price my bank account could handle. We're still in the process of moving everything over to the new computer but so far, let me just say...the monitor is so big it can be seen from outer space.
Did you know that banana exits a six-month-old's behind in the form of a whole bunch of black thread-looking fibers? Yeah, that was a disturbing surprise. Thank goodness for Google, or that also would have made for a very awkward panicked call to the doctor's office.
And on that poopy note, I believe we'll end this week. Have a great weekend, y'all!
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This is the part where you tell the pups how cute they are.
...but seriously, thank you so much for stopping by and for your wonderful comment! I read them all and try to respond as often as I can. We hope you visit again soon :)