Monday, December 3, 2012

'Tis the Season.

On Saturday morning, after one LOOOOONG month of being married to a sasquatch,
Ryan shaved off his No-shave November beard and I got to drag the whole
little fam to the park for Christmas card photos. Finally.
Though the puppies mostly tried to avoid making eye contact with 
the camera at the same time, and Dobby's lady business may be exposed
in most of the pictures (she's a tiny exhibitionist, really), I think we ended up with 
a couple of really cute ones. Framable for sure.
And, as an added bonus, Yoshi and Dobby got to spend a little bit of time
playing around in the grass, getting their paws (and midget Dobby's belly)
soaked with dew and dirt and then jumping up to wipe their paws all over us.
What turds. Now, off to design the card and 
get that business ordered before Christmas is over already! 


  1. Super cute! I need to get on that Christmas card thing too... :)

  2. These are adorable! Your outfit is perfect!


  3. Your babies are so adorable & hilarious. You must be such a proud mama. :)

  4. haha my husband is keeping his beard...probably till the cold goes away...

    Pretty pictures!

  5. Suuuuuuch freaking cuteness! Love those little fur babies!

  6. I love that second photo! So cute!!

  7. Did you use a tripod or have someone else take the photos?

  8. I always love it when the dogs are included in the family photo ... they add SO much personality and humor :)


This is the part where you tell the pups how cute they are.
...but seriously, thank you so much for stopping by and for your wonderful comment! I read them all and try to respond as often as I can. We hope you visit again soon :)